Saturday, 16 May 2015

Family Constellations - Orders Of Love ( EVENT)

By Ivana Markovic

We inherit the gifts, skills, difficulties and diseases of our ancestors.

Although we may be a thousand miles away, although we may not know our biological parents, although we may dislike them, we are the fruit of our family.  Life has arrived to us through them, and to them from their parents, and the parents of their parents.  For millions of years, Life has been travelling through all family members who preceded us, until it has arrived to us.

Family Constellations, created by Bert Hellinger, allows us to discover the bonds of family past; each involuntarily expressed through our feelings, desires, behaviours, reactions and diseases.  These invisible bonds of Love (entanglements) that generate our lives and that each of us metabolizes on its own way in our daily lives, in the form of a limitation or a chronic discomfort, when recognized and accepted, become new forces in the service of (our) Life.

​Current psychotherapy has long recognised that repressing personal traumatic experiences can lead to severe emotional illness for an individual.​  The Family Constellations Method, discovered and developed by Hellinger, takes these foundations further and reveals that unprocessed trauma experienced by prior generations can also severely impact the lives of their descendants.  Family Constellations reveals the impact of these trans-generational events and makes them visible in a way that is both profound and deeply healing.

For those who feel that something is wrong with their life, who have discovered feelings or character traits that limit them, for those who are suffering fears, blockages , phobias, who feel they face several times the same obstacle, being in a circle of repetitions - either in love, in marriage, in the family, with parents, with children, in relationships, in separations, in success, money, etc.  What happens in the family and in relationships is often at the source of what is happening to us, and at the same time the  family itself and our relationships are  the source of healing.

We are committed to the development of people who approach Constellations, and we monitor each case individually , with the sole intention of being useful for their life and serve  them to  find who they are.


This workshop is about two important subjects: Abundance and Prosperity.
Money is an energy of gratefulness that reaches us when we produce something that serves other people.  So, in modern society we call it money, whilst in other times it was a proportional exchange for what that person felt they had received. 

Abundance or prosperity comes from the feeling of gratefulness.  A grateful person is someone who is going to attract money.

The Orders of Abundance have certain rules:

The first rule is:  It is necessary to feel an attitude of gratefulness towards Life.
The second is:  To take your parents, the way they are.  To take them means to accept them unconditionally, exactly as they are.  Independently of what has happened.  The first step is to take your mother and then your father.  Both of them.

Abundance and money are directly related to the acceptance of the mother as she is, since she is the gate to Life and the one who gives us our first nourishment. 

Prosperity is related to the father: to take your father as he is, since he is the one that accompanies you towards relationships and exchanges.  If you haven’t accepted your mother, the exchange will not be possible even if you have accepted your father.  Only when both of them are accepted, and you are open to receiving Life and Love from them, that is when wealth arrives.

One should not forget that money is an answer to this movement of receiving and giving, giving and receiving, an answer to exchange.


·        For people who want to make intense personal growth and development from a systemic point of view of Family Constellations, covering their entire system and all meaningful relationships, to provide knowledge, understanding and healing in all the important dimensions of life: parents, children, family, relationships of all kinds, work, profession, karma, destiny, character, etc.

·        For those  who want to learn to direct Family Constellations Family Constellation (Classic Movements of the Soul, Soul Multidimensional Constellations) both individual and group sessions, from the innovative and comprehensive approach of  Integrative Constellations.

·        For those who are engaged in therapeutic work, whatever their personal orientation, and want to incorporate within it a wide systemic vision and approach to family constellations, such as psychologists, therapists, trainers, NLP coaching, regression therapists and flowers, etc.

·        For people to whom it may be useful to get into Orders of Love, because of their profession, established significant links with other people, for those who are permanently living in situations of emotional tension, conflict mediation, grief, loss ... such as teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, social workers, paraprofessionals, etc.

·        For those engaged in People who are engaged in the business world, businesses and organizations of all kinds, and want to apply the broader and systemic point of view, offered by Business  Constellations (management, management of human resources, leadership, coordination , economic management, customer relations, market research, etc.)


So far, Integrative Constellations is currently  the largest space and known healing solution, both for individual and group sessions.
During one sole session, we act in different time frames and energy fields,  as well as our physical dimension.
We are multidimensional beings that are living simultaneously in different levels and dimensions,  according to certain hierarchy.  Integrative Constellations enables healing and solution in all of the different dimensions - all at once.

The field of Integrative Constellations is a completely new field, giving spectacular results, which adds a whole new dimension to that already known as the Constellations of Soul and Constellations of Spirit.  This field is defined as the Field of Human Healing and covers in a specific, own and integrative manner, all areas of activity such as:
·        The Laws of Abundance, Prosperity.
·        The laws of Creativity, Success and Money.
·        Psycho-social contexts, Individual and Group Therapy.
·        Psycho-therapy contexts to relationships.
·        Orphan contexts, adoption and fostering.
·        Contexts Emigration, Immigration and Social Inclusion.
·        Contexts Mediation and Conflict Resolution.
·        Contexts of Social Work, Social Intervention.
·        Relief and Welfare Intervention contexts.
·        Educational and Psycho-pedagogic contexts.
·        Business contexts.
·        Entrepreneurs, organizations and professionals.
·        Contexts of Health, Relief and Palliative Care.
The workshop is organized by Ivana Markovic, trained in Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger, and held by: 
Marga Angrill Carreras 
Gestalt therapist
Member of AETG
Trained in Hellinger Sciences with Bert and Sophie Hellinger
Floral therapist
José Antonio Vidal Sánchez
Gestalt therapist
Member of AETG
Trained in Hellinger Sciences with Bert and Sophie Hellinger


Saturday, 27th and Sunday 28th June
From 9.30am to 8.30pm, with breaks
Grove Community Centre,
7, Bradmore Park Road,
London.    W6 0DT (Hammersmith)


Price per person: £180 
For members of the same family: £150 

Ivana Markovic  is a Hellinger Sciencia Constellation Facilitator. She is on Row 14, Emotional Health Page on our Practitioners' List.