Saturday, 17 October 2015

My Book and Why You Should Read It..

By Kavi Jezzie Hockaday 

It is a book that describes the journey I went on over a period of ten years that took me to every part of my being, from the physical to the emotional, mental and spiritual. It was a journey that demanded I release, detoxify, let go of, step into, forgive, open my heart, grow up and awaken.
It was a journey that utterly changed my life, my relationships, my views of the world, and ignited my purpose.
I was as surprised as anyone by this blessing, because I really thought, when I was handed my prognosis, that it was the worst thing that could have happened to me!

But the truth is the book is not just about Illness.In retrospect I think I have limited the scope of the book.  It could be called,The Power of ANY POWERFUL EXPERIENCE to Change your Life.

My experience has shown me that the Universe is much more conscious than we give it credit for, and it is constantly offering us doorways to greater understanding, greater love and greater awareness. When we begin to understand this we become explorers of our own nature, and that is the start of our own journey of liberation.
Health, and that means our relationship with the body, is one of the most powerful teacher doorways. Illness, and illness to me means some kind of disturbance in the harmony of the whole organism, invites us to investigate that which needs re-harmonization.

My book explores that, using my own experience in part one, and what I have learned that might help others, in part two.  As a coach I explore these areas with clients. I am not a nutritional coach, I only talk about diet as part of the whole picture. The truth is I have seen with my own eyes, and felt in my own body, that the most important thing for wellbeing is emotional and mental health.

Our core beliefs, whether we are rooted in self love, self doubt, fear, gratitude, appreciation, these are the true creators of holistic wellbeing. You cannot lie to your cellular body. It is designed to respond to what you believe. I have seen that two things matter more than any others, they are so powerful.  They are: Fear and Love.
Do not underestimate these words and the depths they can take you to. They are profound in their power. They have the ability to create miracles or destroy lives.

These are the things I invite clients to explore in my coaching.

I believe that, between my book, my coaching, my talks and my genuine enthusiasm for the subject, I can really help others weaken the inner fire needed for transformation. Transformation is powerful stuff, and it can be challenging, so we need to find a big WHY to meet the challenges and demons we meet on the path. The fire IS the why.
I am a fire starter!

Thanks for reading!

Kavi, The Power of Illness To Change Your Life, a Spiritual and Wellness life Coach, is on row 16, Spiritual Health Page on our Practitioners List



Monday, 15 June 2015

Why Do People Go Vegan?

By Yael Stark

When I tell people that there are many 'Junk Food Vegans', they look at me puzzled ...How can vegan food be considered junk? I guess that the confusion stems from the incorrect notion that all vegans consume celery sticks.

Well...on my journey, I have found that there are two major groups of vegans, each placed on the extreme side of the continuum; those who adopt the Raw Vegan lifestyle for Health and Well- Being reasons, and those who adopt the Vegan lifestyle for Moral and Ethical reasons.

Raw Vegans normally consume food that keeps the food’s enzymes, minerals and vitamins intact by cooking, if at all, their food at no higher than 40c- 42c. Raw Vegans consume foods like nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables, seaweeds, wild edibles, sprouts etc. in the form of juices, smoothies and salads. You can find many more recipes online. This food, they say, keeps their body young, healthy and vital.

The second group chooses to lead a Vegan lifestyle for moral and ethical reasons. They treasure animals’ lives and are appalled by the way the meat, dairy and egg industries kill and torture animals in order to produce their products. They hold the view that animals feel pain, fear and happiness just as humans do. 

Vegans, therefore, don't consume animals, dairy or eggs, and many don’t stop there; they buy products that are not tested on animals (e.g. toiletries, cleaning products) and they won't use animal products (e.g. leather goods). Animal rights activists, some more provocative than others, pose a simple question- if one, indeed, loves animals, why does one eat them?

So you might ask; "If they don't consume animals, dairy or eggs, what do they eat?" I have found that they eat highly- processed vegan burgers (I have tasted a burger that was so divine, I really questioned the need to have a meat burger) and vegan sausages, pizza, fishless fishcakes, chips, dairy- free cheese, butter like spread, yogurt and ice cream, pastries and so much more… In fact you could easily classify this food as Junk Food Vegan' (JFV).

And of course there are some vegans who balance their healthy food and junk food consumption with 60% healthy salads, smoothies and juices and 40% JFV, and some who balance it with 80% healthy and 20% JFV. At the end of the day, we all have a choice.

In light of this article, I will leave you with a question: Do you still think that animals need to be slaughtered and tortured in order for us to eat?....

  Yael Stark

Passionate about shedding a light on the congruency between Physical, Mental and Emotional Health, is the creator of Think Healthy Act Healthy Be Healthy.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Family Constellations - Orders Of Love ( EVENT)

By Ivana Markovic

We inherit the gifts, skills, difficulties and diseases of our ancestors.

Although we may be a thousand miles away, although we may not know our biological parents, although we may dislike them, we are the fruit of our family.  Life has arrived to us through them, and to them from their parents, and the parents of their parents.  For millions of years, Life has been travelling through all family members who preceded us, until it has arrived to us.

Family Constellations, created by Bert Hellinger, allows us to discover the bonds of family past; each involuntarily expressed through our feelings, desires, behaviours, reactions and diseases.  These invisible bonds of Love (entanglements) that generate our lives and that each of us metabolizes on its own way in our daily lives, in the form of a limitation or a chronic discomfort, when recognized and accepted, become new forces in the service of (our) Life.

​Current psychotherapy has long recognised that repressing personal traumatic experiences can lead to severe emotional illness for an individual.​  The Family Constellations Method, discovered and developed by Hellinger, takes these foundations further and reveals that unprocessed trauma experienced by prior generations can also severely impact the lives of their descendants.  Family Constellations reveals the impact of these trans-generational events and makes them visible in a way that is both profound and deeply healing.

For those who feel that something is wrong with their life, who have discovered feelings or character traits that limit them, for those who are suffering fears, blockages , phobias, who feel they face several times the same obstacle, being in a circle of repetitions - either in love, in marriage, in the family, with parents, with children, in relationships, in separations, in success, money, etc.  What happens in the family and in relationships is often at the source of what is happening to us, and at the same time the  family itself and our relationships are  the source of healing.

We are committed to the development of people who approach Constellations, and we monitor each case individually , with the sole intention of being useful for their life and serve  them to  find who they are.


This workshop is about two important subjects: Abundance and Prosperity.
Money is an energy of gratefulness that reaches us when we produce something that serves other people.  So, in modern society we call it money, whilst in other times it was a proportional exchange for what that person felt they had received. 

Abundance or prosperity comes from the feeling of gratefulness.  A grateful person is someone who is going to attract money.

The Orders of Abundance have certain rules:

The first rule is:  It is necessary to feel an attitude of gratefulness towards Life.
The second is:  To take your parents, the way they are.  To take them means to accept them unconditionally, exactly as they are.  Independently of what has happened.  The first step is to take your mother and then your father.  Both of them.

Abundance and money are directly related to the acceptance of the mother as she is, since she is the gate to Life and the one who gives us our first nourishment. 

Prosperity is related to the father: to take your father as he is, since he is the one that accompanies you towards relationships and exchanges.  If you haven’t accepted your mother, the exchange will not be possible even if you have accepted your father.  Only when both of them are accepted, and you are open to receiving Life and Love from them, that is when wealth arrives.

One should not forget that money is an answer to this movement of receiving and giving, giving and receiving, an answer to exchange.


·        For people who want to make intense personal growth and development from a systemic point of view of Family Constellations, covering their entire system and all meaningful relationships, to provide knowledge, understanding and healing in all the important dimensions of life: parents, children, family, relationships of all kinds, work, profession, karma, destiny, character, etc.

·        For those  who want to learn to direct Family Constellations Family Constellation (Classic Movements of the Soul, Soul Multidimensional Constellations) both individual and group sessions, from the innovative and comprehensive approach of  Integrative Constellations.

·        For those who are engaged in therapeutic work, whatever their personal orientation, and want to incorporate within it a wide systemic vision and approach to family constellations, such as psychologists, therapists, trainers, NLP coaching, regression therapists and flowers, etc.

·        For people to whom it may be useful to get into Orders of Love, because of their profession, established significant links with other people, for those who are permanently living in situations of emotional tension, conflict mediation, grief, loss ... such as teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, social workers, paraprofessionals, etc.

·        For those engaged in People who are engaged in the business world, businesses and organizations of all kinds, and want to apply the broader and systemic point of view, offered by Business  Constellations (management, management of human resources, leadership, coordination , economic management, customer relations, market research, etc.)


So far, Integrative Constellations is currently  the largest space and known healing solution, both for individual and group sessions.
During one sole session, we act in different time frames and energy fields,  as well as our physical dimension.
We are multidimensional beings that are living simultaneously in different levels and dimensions,  according to certain hierarchy.  Integrative Constellations enables healing and solution in all of the different dimensions - all at once.

The field of Integrative Constellations is a completely new field, giving spectacular results, which adds a whole new dimension to that already known as the Constellations of Soul and Constellations of Spirit.  This field is defined as the Field of Human Healing and covers in a specific, own and integrative manner, all areas of activity such as:
·        The Laws of Abundance, Prosperity.
·        The laws of Creativity, Success and Money.
·        Psycho-social contexts, Individual and Group Therapy.
·        Psycho-therapy contexts to relationships.
·        Orphan contexts, adoption and fostering.
·        Contexts Emigration, Immigration and Social Inclusion.
·        Contexts Mediation and Conflict Resolution.
·        Contexts of Social Work, Social Intervention.
·        Relief and Welfare Intervention contexts.
·        Educational and Psycho-pedagogic contexts.
·        Business contexts.
·        Entrepreneurs, organizations and professionals.
·        Contexts of Health, Relief and Palliative Care.
The workshop is organized by Ivana Markovic, trained in Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger, and held by: 
Marga Angrill Carreras 
Gestalt therapist
Member of AETG
Trained in Hellinger Sciences with Bert and Sophie Hellinger
Floral therapist
José Antonio Vidal Sánchez
Gestalt therapist
Member of AETG
Trained in Hellinger Sciences with Bert and Sophie Hellinger


Saturday, 27th and Sunday 28th June
From 9.30am to 8.30pm, with breaks
Grove Community Centre,
7, Bradmore Park Road,
London.    W6 0DT (Hammersmith)


Price per person: £180 
For members of the same family: £150 

Ivana Markovic  is a Hellinger Sciencia Constellation Facilitator. She is on Row 14, Emotional Health Page on our Practitioners' List.

Monday, 13 April 2015

The Power of Illness to Change Your Life - Book

By Kavi Jezzie Hockaday

In The Power of Illness to Change Your Life I share my own experience of how early emotional traumas led to lifestyle decisions, that finally led to a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. I describe the long ten-year journey when I turned my back on the treatment that orthodox medicine offered me (lifetime medication and/or surgery), and pursued a natural course. This deeply profound journey took me to every level of being, from the physical to the emotional, mental and spiritual.
I also talk about some of the elements the reader might face if they decide to 'walk the path less trodden'. The healing path is mysterious, and certainly not a 'one size fits all' journey.
After going through such a deep and mysterious journey, one that took me to the depths of my being, brought me face to face with God, and challenged me physically over and over again, I realised that so many people might want to go the ‘natural healing route’ but are so discouraged by friends, family and those in apparent authority, that it was my karma and my responsibility to give voice to the power that illness offers to heal our lives.
It healed my broken heart, it healed my emotional wounds, it brought me to personal power, and it brought a level of peace that was previously unavailable to me.
When I consider what might have happened if, back in 2006 when I received my diagnosis and treatment plan, I had simply taken all the drugs and not questioned anything or walked out of the hospital, I shudder.
I feel blessed to have been given this opportunity to Know Myself deeply and intimately, and I see that this possibility is there for everyone who becomes ill. All we need is encouragement, support and sometimes some guidance by those who have walked some of the path.

Kavi is a spiritual and wellness coach. He is on our Practitioners' List on the Spiritual Page.

Friday, 2 January 2015

The Birth of The Ego of Our Son

By Ian Dixon

Since 2003 I have been experiencing life transformation experiences –prompted by... doctors telling me I had ‘terminal’ cancer with just 3 months of quality time left to live! I survived against impossible odds – my life has changed beyond recognition – my life experience has changed also – so very very much for the better. And, as a result of this work and mainly the sharing of The Journey – I discovered that I was able to
facilitate remarkable healing and life transformation – and in doing so, again and again I experienced great inner joy and love. 

I am a Journey Practitioner who is also a father. Over the years I have often found that all the therapies I have learned still are not reaching issues which seem pre-cognitive in timing i.e. issues arising from experiences before the age of two. After my son's birth I wrote this essay -I share it simply because I feel it is important for mothers to really be empowered at the time of Birth.

I believe that those first few hours and days are so important - they set the scene for the entire life of the new Being - how external factors are to be experienced. it is so very important, I feel, not just for individuals but also for humanity

Personal notes 15th August:
Today, without awareness the event was about to happen, I witnessed the birth of the ego of 7 day old Raphael!♥ from a place of love, and to conform to CZ regulations, we took him to the doctor for the initial check-up. We knew that she would required a blood sample - surely just a prick from his heel? ♥ what I witnessed was systematic physical abuse of a 7 day old baby by a medically qualified - who appears to know little of trauma and considers a 7 day old baby as 'just another baby' ... Presumably without 'awareness' and without feelings? I feel sickened by the event - yes just one prick on the heel, but very prolonged systematic painful squeezing of the heel of a baby gradually becoming more and more alarmed and screaming - first 3 drops on a pad, then there was not enough so another three on that pad, then a second pad requiring 4 drops -then not enough so more squeezing of a screaming scared fragile tiny helpless being!!! And then there was not enough again and she wanted more squeezing of this fragile heal. 'Enough' - STOP - only then she stopped. ♥ why? Just in case he has a genetically inherited food intolerance? Is he healthy and eating well? Yes. Is there food intolerance in his ancestors? No. ♥ so why does the state require such genetic information? Why does it cause trauma to 7 day old babies? ♥ today I witnessed the birth of Raphael's ego. I wondered when and how it would happen?♥ I have witnessed, as a therapist, adults in their forties still traumatised and affected by simple childhood disempowerments in the name of medicine. These events do count - they do disempower - the infant is aware - the infant does have feelings. In the name of medicine - today what I witnessed was state abuse (torture?) of a helpless baby, a systematic disempowerment. A tragedy!♥ years ago I became aware after the event, doctors had decided to stitch up my daughter's chin - after a bad fall - without any sedation! When i heard I could hardly believe doctors would participate in such cruelty? ♥ birth of the ego is unavoidable I feel. What one can do is clear the trauma at an early age so the child becomes re-empowered. The work of the 'Journey for kids' is beautiful. Already Katerina and I have agreed Raphael will experience this at a young age. Maybe today has little impact on him? Maybe not? Awareness of reality, in all its colours is imperative for healthy survival. ♥ as a parent - from now on - I will be very aware of the lack of awareness of doctors and the medical professions. This will not happen again under my watch. ♥ meanwhile - all signs are Raphael is fine, healthy, happy and hungry. His mother is awesome in her love and caring. He is so very very lucky. 

Ian facilitates life transformations by helping clients discover and release suppressed emotions - that later surface in all sorts of ways - problems at work, difficulty finding a partner, marriage issues, anger, sexual, phobias, social difficulties, lack of self worth, frustration - finding inspiration and energy, many health issues. He is on Row 6 Spiritual Health Page on our Practitioners' List

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Yoga Retreat ( EVENT)

By Kirsty May

1. What is the event about?

Yoga Retreat in Postash Barns, Suffolk.  20th-23rd February, 2015.

My aim of this retreat is for you to be healed, restored, relaxed and rejuvenated. We will connect back with nature. 

I will try to help you to come back to yourself, remember who you are, love yourself and feel grounded and present. By clearing blockages, rebalancing your mind, body....and spirit, I believe you will feel happier, more focused in your life and ready to face any challenge. I will do my best help you feel peace in your mind and love and happiness in your heart. I will try to help you manifest what you really want in life!

The Hatha Yoga class is for beginners and intermediate Yogis; I can vary the postures to suit all abilities. The style is fun and creative, yet focused and still challenging.

The Hatha flows and also has many influences from various disciplines and teachers. Yoga stretches, strengthens, tones, helps to align, and improves the health of the
entire body. My varied mix of guided meditations will help you in different areas of your life and help you to calm the mind and bring you into the present. 

We will do Pranayama, morning and evening, which will be amazingly beneficial to your mind and body. Pranayama (breath control) stimulates and brings oxygen to every tissue in the body, is said to remove all diseases, and destroys negative thought patterns, among many other benefits.

2. Who is the event for?

Beginner or intermediate yogis who love the countryside, outdoors, and want to relax and detox on the healthy Yoga and Meditation Retreat.

Retreat Plan:

15:00: Arrive, settle in etc. Free time/activities/go for a walk 
18:00-19:45: Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation
20:00: Vegetarian Dinner
Free time. Relax in the retreat barn etc.  

Optional Silent Meditation

07:30-08:45: Morning Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation 
09:00:Vegetarian Breakfast
Free time. Explore/walk/optional activities tbc
13:30: Vegetarian Lunch
Free time. Explore/walk/local activities/have a massage/Reiki tbc
18:00-19:45: Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation 
20:00: Vegetarian Dinner
Free time to relax at the retreat barn etc. 

Optional Silent Meditation
07:30-8:45: Morning Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation
09:00: Vegetarian Breakfast
Free time. Explore//walk/local activities tbc 
13:30: Vegetarian Lunch 
Free time. Explore/walk/activities
18:00-19:45: Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation 
20:00: Vegetarian Dinner
Free time to relax at the retreat barn etc. 

Optional Silent Meditation
07.30-08.45: Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation
09:00: Vegetarian Breakfast 
10:30: Leave retreat.

3. Why should you choose to come to the retreat? 

The beautiful Postash Barns is situated in the countryside of Suffolk. As well as 2 x Yoga and Meditation classes daily, we will be having healthy vegetarian breakfast,
lunch and dinner, going on woodland walks, a hulahoop class if it is wanted, art, beach walks and relaxation.The accommodation is spread over two different barns on the farm. We have a log burner to keep warm and cozy in the evenings. The farm has a pony called Moonie, pygmy goats, chickens, lambs and geese. There are many things to do in the area such as walking in the woodland, cycling, visiting nearby beaches, massages.Potash Barns is located in the hamlet of Brundish near Framlingham, amidst the quiet beauty of rural mid-Suffolk. Situated within 20 minutes of the Suffolk Heritage Coast,
Potash Barns is the ideal holiday and retreat destination.

4. Where is it happening? 

Potash Barns, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

5. How much does it cost?


Kimberly from Kiss the Sky will be providing Chakra Balancing and Reiki healing treatments all weekend at my Potash Barns Yoga Retreat in February 2015. Kimberly is an experienced intuitive healer, and a natural empath. You can book an appointment in advance or during the retreat - Reiki is £15 per session.

Kirsty May, Sivananda and a Hatha Yoga Teacher, trained in India and has been teaching for 8 years.  Her classes involve hatha asanas, various meditations, and pranayama, they have a relaxed friendly vibe, but are still challenging.  She is in Row 52, Physical Health page on our Practitioners' List.


Friday, 10 October 2014

EMF Summit ( EVENT)

By Alison Heath

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are everywhere. The low level radiation has serious health consequences and experts are predicting a major crisis if we don't wake up and make some changes NOW. There is an exponential rise in brain tumours and childhood leukemia. Wireless in schools has caused microwave weapons experts, epidemiologists, and scientists to come out of retirement to speak up and warn us of the dangers. People need to know about this invisible health threat before it is too late. We can learn to safely use our technology. Awareness precedes action. For the sake of your health, and those of then children of the world who represent our most precious resources, I am hosting the EMF Summit.

1. What is the event about?

World experts will tell you E
verything You Need To Protect Yourself from the dangers of
Electromagnetic Field Radiation and Dirty Electricity.  You will also Discover the
Healing Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy.


2. Who is the event for?


Anyone that is concerned with protecting themselves and their families.


3. Why should they choose to come to your event?  

Alison is the host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets free multi-expert interview series. She has been helping people and physicians, for 25 years, to learn to turn back the clock on aging.. she cured herself of "incurable" conditions: a leg doctors were going to amputate, bipolar, and hypothyroidism. Her recent experience of developing electromagnetic hypersensitivity prompted her to interview world class experts in the field to bring you the latest research on how our toys and gadgets are killing us.

The event is online.
5. How much does it cost?
The event is free to attend.

Alison Heath, Longevity Rescuer, is in row 27 on our Practitioners' List