Friday, 2 January 2015

The Birth of The Ego of Our Son

By Ian Dixon

Since 2003 I have been experiencing life transformation experiences –prompted by... doctors telling me I had ‘terminal’ cancer with just 3 months of quality time left to live! I survived against impossible odds – my life has changed beyond recognition – my life experience has changed also – so very very much for the better. And, as a result of this work and mainly the sharing of The Journey – I discovered that I was able to
facilitate remarkable healing and life transformation – and in doing so, again and again I experienced great inner joy and love. 

I am a Journey Practitioner who is also a father. Over the years I have often found that all the therapies I have learned still are not reaching issues which seem pre-cognitive in timing i.e. issues arising from experiences before the age of two. After my son's birth I wrote this essay -I share it simply because I feel it is important for mothers to really be empowered at the time of Birth.

I believe that those first few hours and days are so important - they set the scene for the entire life of the new Being - how external factors are to be experienced. it is so very important, I feel, not just for individuals but also for humanity

Personal notes 15th August:
Today, without awareness the event was about to happen, I witnessed the birth of the ego of 7 day old Raphael!♥ from a place of love, and to conform to CZ regulations, we took him to the doctor for the initial check-up. We knew that she would required a blood sample - surely just a prick from his heel? ♥ what I witnessed was systematic physical abuse of a 7 day old baby by a medically qualified - who appears to know little of trauma and considers a 7 day old baby as 'just another baby' ... Presumably without 'awareness' and without feelings? I feel sickened by the event - yes just one prick on the heel, but very prolonged systematic painful squeezing of the heel of a baby gradually becoming more and more alarmed and screaming - first 3 drops on a pad, then there was not enough so another three on that pad, then a second pad requiring 4 drops -then not enough so more squeezing of a screaming scared fragile tiny helpless being!!! And then there was not enough again and she wanted more squeezing of this fragile heal. 'Enough' - STOP - only then she stopped. ♥ why? Just in case he has a genetically inherited food intolerance? Is he healthy and eating well? Yes. Is there food intolerance in his ancestors? No. ♥ so why does the state require such genetic information? Why does it cause trauma to 7 day old babies? ♥ today I witnessed the birth of Raphael's ego. I wondered when and how it would happen?♥ I have witnessed, as a therapist, adults in their forties still traumatised and affected by simple childhood disempowerments in the name of medicine. These events do count - they do disempower - the infant is aware - the infant does have feelings. In the name of medicine - today what I witnessed was state abuse (torture?) of a helpless baby, a systematic disempowerment. A tragedy!♥ years ago I became aware after the event, doctors had decided to stitch up my daughter's chin - after a bad fall - without any sedation! When i heard I could hardly believe doctors would participate in such cruelty? ♥ birth of the ego is unavoidable I feel. What one can do is clear the trauma at an early age so the child becomes re-empowered. The work of the 'Journey for kids' is beautiful. Already Katerina and I have agreed Raphael will experience this at a young age. Maybe today has little impact on him? Maybe not? Awareness of reality, in all its colours is imperative for healthy survival. ♥ as a parent - from now on - I will be very aware of the lack of awareness of doctors and the medical professions. This will not happen again under my watch. ♥ meanwhile - all signs are Raphael is fine, healthy, happy and hungry. His mother is awesome in her love and caring. He is so very very lucky. 

Ian facilitates life transformations by helping clients discover and release suppressed emotions - that later surface in all sorts of ways - problems at work, difficulty finding a partner, marriage issues, anger, sexual, phobias, social difficulties, lack of self worth, frustration - finding inspiration and energy, many health issues. He is on Row 6 Spiritual Health Page on our Practitioners' List

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