Saturday, 4 October 2014

The New You! ( EVENT)

By Derek Mills


What are most people missing?
Disclaimer:  I have a vested interest in helping people to discover the right path to happiness and success. This is based upon intuition, instinct, accessing my greatest self, research and the feedback of audiences all over the globe. My vested interest is that I'm part of this world, and to the degree that I can help those struggling with this issue, I help the world and I help myself.  Many of you will know that I had a revolution in my life just over a decade ago and it led me to shift from failure, near depression and almost broke, to happiness and success. Until then I had spent 17 years looking outside of myself for the ingredient to success and happiness. Yet I discovered that we all have practical tools within us ALREADY which we can use to live an infinitely more fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves and others.
There is a missing ingredient to greater joy and whatever it is good human beings call ‘success’, it's all based upon the setting of and living by Daily Standards.
When we live our lives by Daily Standards, set from within ourselves or our organisation, and we commit to living from that place for just one day, today, we excel beyond any reasonable expectation and more. We enjoy the journey.
I have to admit when I first found this 'missing-link', this vital ingredient to personal happiness and success, I was at first shocked, then elated, then transformed.

Standards come from the TrueSelf or the ‘real you. When we set our Standards from within and live by them for just Today, we inhabit a congruent life and we create therefore the life that we were meant to live. Most of our individual Standards have been formed consciously or unconsciously throughout our life. But have you ever considered whether your Standards honour and serve you? In doing so, do they allow you to honour and serve others?

By going into your TrueSelf you can gain the wisdom and guidance to set Daily Standards. Setting Standards helps you to be happy in the present moment, and not look to the future for your happiness and success; as is often the case with goals.

Upon review, there are seven key areas of our lives in which we can begin immediately, today, to set new Life Standards:


1. Personal Health & Fitness
2. Environment – (What surrounds us affects us. What is within us affects us)
3. Relationships
4. Family
5. Emotions
6. Career or Job
7. Time (How we live – not how long we live; how we serve and use our time on earth)
How do we Set New Standards to give us the success and happiness we dream of?
We undertake a Standards Five-Step Reframe™. The 5 steps are:
1.     Review your existing Standards in the key areas of your life. What was the source of those Standards?
2.     Realise what Standards are honouring and serving you. Also consider what Standards help you to honour and serve others? Which ones are harming others or the person that you now are?
3.     Release the Standards that are harming you the most (there are many healthy and congruent ways to do this);
4.     Reset new Standards that honour and serve the person you are today and which allow you to honour and serve others;
5.     Re-commit today and then daily to your new Standards.
‘When we live by Standards set from within, we become happy and successful TODAY!
True success and happiness is created by thinking and living by Daily Standards. When we do this, we wake up and find ourselves more powerful than we previously dared to dream. We discover parts of ourselves we didn’t know, our gifts and talents begin to pour out in a way that they never have before, and we get to make a positive difference not just to our immediate surroundings, but to the broader world at large.
This plus a lot more will be shared at our upcoming event ‘Create Your Best Life in a Daywith Derek Mills and Michael James. The event provides the opportunity and practical tools to access your greatest self, TrueSelf, to set in motion the Standards which will shape the rest of your life, one day at a time. It's a fun day because everybody enjoys creating and being their greatest self.

It's the chance to discover more of your truth, set new Standards from that place and to realise that you are more powerful than you had ever dreamed.

This is a very unique workshop where Derek Mills and Michael James share how to create or re-create your life, your best life, on the day. Based upon a collective 40 years of experience and research, both teachers will create a space where each person attending will be able to 'get' themselves for maybe the first time. Then everyone will be taken through a process and a series of practical steps in order to realise who they truly are and what is possible and true for them.  Moreover, each attendee will then have a Standards blueprint, which they can use as the genesis of what we call your 'best life'. We share insights into the meaning of TrueSelf and how to get and stay in that place. Michael will also share how applying the Law of Attraction into your everyday life, will cause you to ‘live in the now’.

2. Who is the event for?
Anyone who would like better health, greater wealth, improved relationships, to feel good about your image, to understand more about yourself, to try new things, to have a more fulfilling career, to be a more contented parent, to learn new skills, to embrace life's challenges, to feel happier and to live an empowered life as your TrueSelf.
3. Why should they choose to come to your event?
Derek has spoken to audiences from 7 to 7000 and has inspired people around the world to change their lives for the better. Derek is known as the Standards Guy and shares with you how to set Daily Standards instead of goals to achieve happiness and success in your personal and business life.
This approach and philosophy is unique. No other event will have this approach because Derek is the creator of the philosophy and the tools. The philosophy and processes are so unique that Hay House, the publishers, gave Derek the opportunity to share his message in his first book - The 10-Second Philosophy, and decided to do so after just one meeting, even though Derek was completely unknown in this arena at the time.
4. Where is it happening?
Saturday 18th October 2014 between 10am and 5pm
The Bentovin Room, 8 Ridgmount St, London, WC1E 7AA
5. How much does it cost?
£55 per ticket
It is your life, and maybe it's time to review it. Take action, go into TrueSelf, and set Standards, live your truth and excel!

Derek, The Standards Guy,  guides clients and audiences how to use ‘Standards’ (basis, criterion, levels, qualities and rules) to achieve immediate change in their lives. He is in row 9 on our Practitioners' List
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