Sunday, 30 March 2014

Think Healthy Act Healthy Be Healthy Networking Evening (EVENT)

By Yael Stark

Think Healthy Act Healthy Be Healthy 's Health Practitioners Networking Evening
 I never used to like networking events; I used to find them useless for two main reasons;

1- I loved getting into a deep conversation with one person at a time so I ended up speaking with a small number of people and it left me with the feeling of 'I missed out'..

2- More often than not people were 'puking' their sales pitch on me, I must have done it myself too,  and I ended up going home with a 'never again' feeling.

Both reasons were a huge barrier to effective networking.

I was very fortunate to come across a dear friend who taught me about networking and how to overcome those two challenges, now I thoroughly enjoy networking.

The major lesson that helped me enormously was the golden rule- 'temporarily suspend all thoughts of personal gain.'  Bottom line of this rule- your wishes are not to be considered while you are listening to what other people are saying.. Ask yourself what can I give that person? rather than what can I gain from that person?

When you apply it, and don't get me wrong, it is hard, especially when you are so passionate about what you do and know it can change so many lives, magic happens; people stay longer to say goodbye to you and are eager to hear more from you.. I was dumbstruck the first time it happened to me.

So why write about networking when we are a health group? Well, THAHBH group consists of two main subgroups- Health Seekers and Health Practitioners.

Remember the group's mission? " Our mission is twofold: to help Health Seekers- members who want to better their mental, emotional and physical health, make well informed choices and to connect between Health Practitioners, who are aligned with our core values and are following our guidelines, and Health Seeking members. "

The first step to was to create our Practitioners' List where Health Seekers can read about the practitioners; not only about their coaching background, but also about their vision and how they view the world. The health practitioners that are on the list, were already informed about the event, now it is your turn.

The second step was to create this blog...

The third step was to network...

We have been networking in the past at events and over dinners but this time is different; this is our first (hurray) networking event only for our THAHBH's Health Practitioners. The evening is designed so we can meet one other, know what each practitioner does and how we can support one other- it is all about collaboration really.

I will also be explaining about 2014 projects to help the practitioners get the word out and connect with our Health Seekers.

We are meeting on Friday 4/4 at the Royal Festival Hall at 18:30

No Eventbrite link.. Email if you wish to attend.

Free to attend.

See you all there :)

Yael Stark, entrepreneur, passionate about Health, Ethical Business and Education, created Think Healthy Act Healthy Be Healthy ( THAHBH ) community back in October 2011 with the aim to help people understand the connection between mental, emotional and physical health, which she was privileged to experience from the age of 7 throughout her journey.

Monday, 10 March 2014

EQ-101:Taking Control of Your Feelings and Emotions. (EVENT)

By Matt Perelstein



                        Have you ever heard the term "Emotional Intelligence"?
When I first heard those words back in the late 90's, I jumped for joy! FINALLY, a clear, understandable, self-explanatory way to describe what we'd been teaching for many years... and which has been the bane of my existence! I was so emotionally clueless as a kid (painfully shy, anti-social, accident prone), that when I found out that I wasn't actually 'crazy', that I didn't have 'psychological disorders' (well, maybe a few), but really what I 'had' was a severe lack of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)!
(SIDE NOTE: It's called EQ, even tho' it should be EI. Why? 'cause EQ makes sense to people when distinguishing it from IQ. They often immediately understand the concept (esp. if you can point to the left-side of your head vs. the right side of your head... and that's what we need... to make it super-clear, super-simple, and super-practical.)
When I first took an EQ-based weekend workshop 27 years ago called Understanding Yourself and Others, I found that what was REALLY a mess inside of me was my Feelings. That was super GOOD NEWS to me because I found that I/we can LEARN how to deal with our feelings, how to identify, accept and manage our feelings (EQ), balance them with our thoughts (IQ) and then make more informed decisions on what to do, say and be. Now, I am no longer a 'victim' to my feelings.... they no longer own me, control me and manage me... I can understand, accept and manage them! That was wonderful news, to a lost, powerless guy!
1. Defining EQ (1990's)
First, we had to define the concepts... "what is eq" is googled over 2M times each month... so we'd know what we're talking about. It's about being Heart Smart, as well as Head Smart. It's about using our right-brain, as well as our left-brain. It's about giving a damn about ourselves, others and our environment. It's about knowing ourselves, and creating the best for ourselves, in a way that brings people closer and everyone wins!

Components of EQ, include:
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision-Making

2. EQ Research and Results (2000's)
Since then, EQ has started to gain momentum. EQ results must be scientifically proven, evidence-based interventions with measurable, verifiable and reproducible results. Thus statistically accurate EQ assessment tools were created to 'prove' that EQ really works.

It all started for me, when I found that I/we can heal and replace so much of our fear, anger and sadness... so we can live freer, happier, more successful lives.
Then, we found that, although our schools have been IQ-focused, and EQ-resistant, by adding EQ skills training helps increase pro-social behaviours: attitude, cooperation, focus, kindness and empathy, while decreasing anti-social behaviours: fights, truancy, bullying, vandalism, weapons and drugs... and, shockingly, a huge 5-year meta-study of over 200 school districts that had adopted EQ found that the all-important test-scores even went up by over 11% (EQ can actually improve IQ!).
Next, we found that EQ is awesome for businesses and organizations -- customer service, teamwork, leadership, HR departments, employee engagement, even sales and marketing -- can all be improved with simple, inexpensive, intuitive EQ training and practice.
Now, EQ has been shown to help in a VAST array of human existence -- improving mental health, physical health, families, parenting, teaching, relationships, communications, etc. and reducing crime, addictions, violence, suicide, abuse and others... helping the good get better and diminishing the bad.
3. Putting EQ to Use / Competencies (2010's)
Now, we're working on making the EQ tools as practical and useful as possible. There are a powerful set of 8 measureable competencies that can be learned, and mastered, to dramatically improve our life experience.

Do you want to know more about you, to reach your greatest potential?
Got issues from your past that are effecting you today?

Want to be able to understand, manage and ENJOY you, and your life?

Learn EQ. It's free, it's natural, it's universal, it's unlimited, and it works! (and did I mention that it's free?! yeah, I know, I have money/deserving issues, but still... it's FREE... as much as we want, any time we want).
I contend that teaching our kids EQ/SEL is schools is the #1 best possible thing we can do for their future, and ours.
I contend that EQ can, and will, change, and maybe save, our world from hatred, violence, war and hunger.
I believe that EQ is a semi-magical aspect of life that we are just discovering, and enjoying.
I think we can reach our goal for the largest project ever attempted by man... to teach 1 Billion people EQ by the year 2039.
EQ for inner peace.
EQ for world peace.
If you found Matt's article beneficial, please share it on your favourite social media platforms so your friends and followers can benefit too.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Valentine's Day - Everyday?

By Robert Stephenson

When I was a little boy I used to wish it would be Christmas Day everyday! Having all the family around, hanging out with older cousin, eating lots of lovely food, and of course the presents. Everyday would be magical, or so I thought back then, and as I grew older I realised that doing the same thing everyday, no matter how fantastic, would eventually loose its magic…
And this Valentines day got me thinking about this, this idea of having a great day everyday, sharing gifts and cards and chocolates with your loved one, and once again I had that thought about doing it everyday, and once again I thought that the magic would also disappear with the routine.

Or would it!

What would happen if you kept the magic alive? What would happen if you found a way to make each day a great day, each day a day full of love and giving and sharing? 
As a coach I am always working with clients to create new possibilities, new ideas, to go beyond their comfort zone and think outside the box, in order to create the life they want, in order to make those dreams and goals a reality.
So what would happen if we thought outside of the box with Valentines Day, what would happen if we challenged ourselves to create Valentines Day everyday?
How about hiding cards for our partner in their bag before they go to work, or sending flowers randomly to their office or home. Lighting candles at dinner and dimming the lights, lovely music in the background. Or what if you came home early and cooked a wonderful dinner, so it’s all ready and waiting for when your partner arrived, with a bath already run full of oils and bubbles?
Now perhaps you already do this, or have had ideas like this in the past, and if you already do it, awesome, and if you’ve thought of it, that's great too. And I guess if you are not doing it, perhaps you might give it a go and see what happens, I wonder what might be holding you back?  See how creating a special moment in the day for your partner impacts your relationship.
I wonder how we would feel, being treated in this way, with all that love going on, wouldn't it be wonderfully awesome :-)
And now I begin to think yeah, I could do that, and perhaps you think the same, and I then wonder, well what are all those wonderful things that my partner likes? Perhaps like me you know some of them, but not all! So what to do, well why not have a conversation, have a sit down with a notebook and ask your partner .
I think we often don't ask because we feel that we 'should' know all the answers and if we don't then that means we are not a good enough partner...I disagree, I think that a great partner finds out what you want and then finds ways to surprise you with it.
So in my quest for Valentines Day everyday, I say get a notebook, have a conversation, then find ways to share the love everyday doing something, however small or large, that will bring a loving smile to your partners face. 
Give it a go, see how you get on, enjoy the sharing and I'll get back to you about my thoughts on having Christmas everyday :-)
And if you need any help in putting this together, organising your thinking, or finding your way forward, book an appointment with me at the clinic and let’s 
make it happen together.

If you found Robert's article beneficial, please share it on your favourite social media platforms so your friends and followers can benefit too.